Registered Massage Therapy

Who is a registered massage therapist?

A registered massage therapist is a healthcare professional who uses massage therapy techniques to release and relax soft tissues of the body, (such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues) to enhance a person’s well being and health.

They use a variety of massage techniques to manually manipulate your soft tissues, including Swedish massage, deep tissue release, therapeutic massage, sports massage and pre and post natal massage.


Kayla Weymer
Registered Massage Therapist

Who is Registered Massage Therapy For?

People of all walks of life come to see us for massage therapy, and for many different reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve aching joints and muscles, to rehabilitate injuries and promote overall health and wellness.

Our massage therapists will work in tandem with any other healthcare professional you are seeing in our clinic to help you reach your full potential.

How can I see a registered massage therapist?

As Massage Therapists are primary healthcare professionals, no doctor’s referral is needed to seek our services. There are several ways to book an appointment with one of our massage therapists, including the following:

Give us a call and speak with our front desk.

Come in and say hi at our Ellis Street location!

Will my insurance plan cover my registered massage therapy visit?

Most major insurance plans offer coverage for registered massage therapy.

We are able to direct bill the following providers in our clinic:

  • Pacific Blue Cross
  • Great West Life
  • Manulife
  • Sunlife
  • Greenshield
  • Desjardins
  • Johnson Group
  • IA Financial Group
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Maximum Benefit
  • Manion
  • Group Health
  • Group Source
  • First Canadian Insurance Corporation

Have You Considered Physiotherapy?

At this time, we are unable to accommodate any new patients for Registered Massage Therapy.

However, we are excited to be able to offer another great service which can help release tight and tender muscles, decrease pain and  get you back on your feet – Physiotherapy

Our Physiotherapists help people in Penticton everyday with neck and low back pain, as well as a great deal of other issues, and we can Direct Bill the treatments to all major insurance companies on your behalf.

Unsure if Physio is for you? Check out our reviews from other people in Penticton HERE!